Access to HAVEN services is initiated by contacting the Crisis and Support Line at
248-334-1274 or 877-922-1274.
HAVEN’s Crisis and Support Line accepts incoming calls 24 hours per day and screens applicants to provide the most appropriate guidance and services.
About Client Supportive Services & Next Steps
HAVEN extends a comprehensive program that equips victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual assault (SA) with the resources essential for embarking on a secure and independent lifestyle. This initiative encompasses financial literacy training, employment support services, financial assistance, housing resources and access to basic needs.
Additional Resources
- Monthly newsletter featuring HAVEN-related content and details about community services like food pantries, job fairs, and health services.
- Connection to outside resources for identification, banking, job placement, housing, communication devices and much more.
Transportation Services
Youth Services
- Assistance with school registration
- HAVEN provides additional services through this program, such as youth services including Summer Camp, a Mentor Program, Back-to-School events and various seasonal activities—all at no cost to the participants
Transitional Housing
- This program offers secure and affordable housing, allowing families to live independently in their own fully furnished homes for up to 24 months while working towards permanent housing.
- Includes all the necessities to create a welcoming and homely environment.
**The links below click through to external websites and resources. HAVEN has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. We include the links solely as a convenience to you, and the inclusion of any links does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.
Access to HAVEN services is initiated by contacting the Crisis and Support Line at
248-334-1274 or 877-922-1274.
HAVEN’s Crisis and Support Line accepts incoming calls 24 hours per day and screens applicants to provide the most appropriate guidance and services.
CHAT: Chats are generally conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, based on staff availability. The Toll-Free Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if immediate help is needed."
If you suspect a loved one is the survivor of intimate partner violence or sexual assault, please know you can, as a support person, contact HAVEN at any time for support and information. Learn how to help someone else.
It is important to learn as much as you can about the impact and effects of intimate partner violence or sexual assault. It’s also important to remember there is no one way to react to trauma. Being present and bearing witness to someone’s trauma and story not only empowers them but also shows concern, support, and provides validation during a very difficult time.
In addition to recognizing some of the symptoms, there are things you can say to help during this difficult time.
Never blame your friend. Don’t let them blame themselves. Intimate partner violence and rape are never the survivor’s fault, even if they did not yell for help or fight back or was drinking.
It will be reassuring to them to hear that what is most important is that they are alive and got through the experience as best they could. Questions like “Why did you go there alone?” are blaming, not reassuring.
If you communicate that you believe them, you will be helping your friend a great deal. If they say they were raped, then that’s enough even if they did not scream or there was no evidence of harm.
Be supportive by listening, not judging. Be supportive by listening, not prying. Let them take their time to share the details. Let them share only what they are willing to.
Let them be in control of who knows about the assault and how they manage their life. This will help them feel they are regaining the control lost by being victimized.
It’s normal to feel angry, afraid, anxious and depressed. If their feelings intensify and seem to continue to overwhelm them and they are not reaching out for professional help, support them in getting help.
Many friends and family members focus on convincing their friends to leave the violent relationship. In reality, the time of leaving can be the most dangerous. Allow your friend the space and time necessary to contemplate their future and safety. A safety plan is the best place to start. HAVEN has trained staff who can help, or read about making an escape plan here.
They may be feeling alone, scared or confused. Not knowing where to go or whom to ask for help can make a traumatic experience even scarier. By letting them know organizations like HAVEN are here to help, you can help ease some of those feelings and start to focus on gaining back control of their life.
*If you are a systems professional looking to make a referral please click here.
If you feel the need to gather more information before reaching out for help, we have curated a comprehensive list of resources. These cover general aspects of intimate partner and sexual violence. Discover local resources and hotlines to guide you through your unique situation.
National Hotlines
National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) – 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Local Michigan Resources
HAVEN (Oakland County)
Turning Point (Macomb County)
Avalon Healing Center (Wayne County)
Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Michigan Domestic Violence Resources
Additional Support Organizations
Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center
CARE House of Oakland County (Child Advocacy)
DEAF C.A.N.! Community Advocacy Network
HAVEN’s Programs and Services
Personal Protection Order (PPO)
Victim’s Safety
Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence
- HISTORY & CACHE: Your computer automatically saves a list of pages that you have visited in your Internet history and cache files (data that is temporarily stored on your computer, such as websites, graphics, etc.). Learn more about clearing your browser.
- TEMP FILES: Your computer may save copies of some of the websites you have visited in something called a temp file.
- COOKIES: Some websites contain “cookies,” files that automatically save onto your computer that show which websites you’ve visited and any information you may have entered onto the site, such as your name, address, etc. You can prevent cookies from saving onto your computer by changing the privacy settings on your Internet browser, which are often located in the “Tools” or “Options” menu.
- AUTOCOMPLETE: If your computer has an AutoComplete function and it’s turned on, your computer may remember things you have typed into your web browser.
- SPYWARE: The abuser may have installed spyware on your computer, which may keep track of where you have been on the Internet and who you have sent email to. There are things you can do to hide your Internet activity, such as deleting your Internet history, but be aware that if the abuser has access to your computer, he may be able to check and see that you’ve done so. It is impossible to completely hide your tracks — especially if the abuser knows a lot about computers — since there are other ways Internet activity can be monitored. The safest way to find information on the Internet is at a computer that the abuser cannot access. Try using a computer at a local library, a community center, a friend’s house or work.
- If you use a web-based email program like Gmail or Yahoo, your email account may be visible to someone who visits those websites on your computer unless you properly log out. Just closing your browser is not enough — you must first log out of your account to make sure that when the abuser goes to the email program’s website, your personal account information won’t be on the screen.
- If you use one of these web-based email programs, the abuser may be able to access your email account if he knows your email address and password. Note: Some people’s computers save their email address and password for them. If your computer has your email address and password saved, anyone with access to your computer can read your email.
- If you use a computer-based email program like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora or Apple Mail, anybody who has access to your computer can read your email.
- If the abuser knows your email address, remember to not open any email attachments sent from the abuser or to reply to an email sent by the abuser using your new email account, because these actions may let the abuser install spyware on your computer and track your email messages.
- Most computers now have a function called “AutoComplete,” which stores information you’ve typed on your computer in the past. For example, if AutoComplete is turned on, when you go to type something into a search engine such as Google, a pop-up box will appear and list the things you’ve searched for in the past. (You may also see this pop-up box when entering your credit card information or your address into an online form.) If you have AutoComplete turned on, the abuser may be able to access your email account even if you haven’t told him your email address or password.
- Make sure you have a password the abuser will not be able to guess. Pick a password that does not contain obvious information (such as your name, birthday, social security number, pet's name, etc.), which the abuser could guess. It may also be a good idea to change your password regularly. If you are not sure how to change the password on your email account, you can likely find that information by going to “help” or “?”.
- Do not write down your password. Make sure you change your computer settings so that it does not save your username (email address) and password. Your computer may ask you if you want to save your username and password after you enter it. Make sure to click on “no”.
- When you are finished using your email, always log out or sign out. If you do not hit “log out” or “sign out,” your email account may still be open due to a feature called AutoComplete, even if you close the window.
- If you do decide to give the abuser your email address, remember to not open any email attachments sent from the abuser or to reply to an email sent by the abuser using your new email account because these actions may let the abuser install spyware on your computer and track your email messages.
If there are certain people who you do not want to see your information, you can either “unfriend” them if they are already your friend or block them completely. (NOTE: It is possible to be friends with someone yet limit the amount of information they can see. Due to the continuous changes in Facebook privacy settings, the specifics of this function are frequently changing. If you want to learn more about how to do this, check out the Facebook Safety Center.)
- “Unfriending”: If you are already friends with someone but you no longer want him/her to see your profile, you can “unfriend” that person which means he will only see your profile as someone who is not your friend; for example, just your cover photo or your city. He will not be notified through Facebook when you do this, but if he checks your profile, he will probably realize you two are not friends anymore. To “unfriend” someone: Go to that person’s timeline > Hover over the Friends box at the top of their timeline > Unfriend.
- Block: Blocking someone will mean that he cannot see any of your activity on Facebook, including your profile or things you write on other people’s walls. This is the best way to keep your information safe from someone if you plan to remain on Facebook. To block someone: Click on the padlock icon at the top right of any Facebook page > How do I stop someone from bothering me? > Enter the name or email address of the person you want to block > Block.
If someone is harassing you on Facebook, you can Block/Report that person to Facebook. Reporting someone on Facebook is anonymous and simultaneously blocks this person, which means neither he/she or you can see each other’s presence on Facebook. Read more at Report Abuse and Policy Violations on the Facebook Help Center.
You may also want to consider getting off Facebook temporarily. To deactivate your account: Drop-down menu on top right > Account Settings > Security option in left-hand column > Deactivate your account > Confirm.
Maybe. Depending on what type of harassing or threatening messages are sent to you or written about you, you may be able to report it to the police and have the person arrested. To do so, you would likely need to print out the harassing comments so that they are preserved for any possible future prosecution.
Facebook answers this question in detail on their Help Center section. To permanently delete your profile, you can log in to your account and submit a form to Facebook.
To prevent someone from finding you on Twitter, you can click on the drop-down menu on the top right > Settings > Tweet Privacy and click “Protect my Tweets.” This means you will need to approve anyone who requests to follow you. This will also remove your tweets from the public timeline.
You can also block or report individual people from seeing your profile. Do this by going to the Twitter home page of the person you want to block, going to the drop-down menu on the right and clicking “Block” or “Report.”
Twitter also offers the option to tweet your location. This means that Twitter can identify where you are based on your browser or device (like a cell phone). The default setting for this option is currently set to "Off,” so you will have to actively opt in to turn this function on. If you opt to turn this on, your location, whether it is a neighborhood or an exact latitude and longitude, is shared with the entire Internet — unless your tweets are set to be protected.